Clearscore - Car insurance

I designed the car insurance user journey from 0 to 1, after conducting several research sessions and gathering feedback from users and needs from stakeholders

Why car insurance?

Why car insurance?

Business side

42% of CS users owned cars and the business understood there was a huge demand for car insurance and many opportunities to exploit these within the Clearscore userbase.

Customer side

I talked to the CS community and this allowed us to understand the pain points and constraints that people were going through when searching for a car insurance policy.


I reviewed 30+ interviews with different types of users to understand the most common pain points and opportunities when looking for a car insurance policy.

I ran a 3 day design sprint workshop with stakeholders to discuss constraints, long term goals and ideate possible solutions.

Quotes from users:

‘It is a very long and complex process.’

‘Looking for a car insurance policy is a tedious process.’

‘I need to sit down and focus like when I used to be at school.’

Problem statement

Users find the car insurance process tedious and confusing, leading to frustration and unhappy customers.

This lowers our customer acquisition and retention rates.

Simplifying the process will improve user satisfaction and drive business growth.

Controlling the journey

Most of the users were saying that they couldn’t spend a full 20 minutes to complete an insurance form. I had an idea to categorise the content and separate it into 3 different areas which they could complete and save at their own pace.

I created a hub so users could complete the information needed whenever they wanted, in the order they wanted.

No mistakes

Based on the sessions I ran, users were more likely to finish a task successfully if this one was broken down into smaller pieces. I decided to highlight this by focusing the users into completing one question at a time.

Make it stand out

I highlighted the best deals to the users based on their answers and filters preferences. It was more clear and easier for them to select their most appropriate deal.

Business objectives

  1. 18% of users that start the journey has to get to the results page.

  2. 10% of these users should get a policy through ClearScore.

  3. Make users feel that getting a car insurance policy doesn’t have to be a dreadful experience.

1 month after the MVP was launched


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